Ultimate Oil Mix for Detangling after Taking Out Extensions

How to Detangle Matted Hair After Braids

Pre-poo mixes were discussed in 5 Ingredients for the Best Pre-Poo with Oils Ever and Soften, Detangle & Condition Dry Hair with this Moringa Oil Mask. This article is a bit more specific; focusing on a mix you can use to detangle hair after taking out braids or extensions using the method I recommended in How to Grow Your Hair Healthy & Long with Natural Oils.

DIY Aloe Vera Juice and Coconut Oil Recipe for Dry Hair

DIY Aloe Vera Juice and Coconut Oil Recipe for Dry Hair

Aloe vera juice and coconut oil is a potent treatment for dry hair. It helps restore moisture to dry and dull tresses and moisturizes hair. While aloe vera gel is derived from the inner flesh of aloe vera leaves, aloe vera juice is produced from the green outer leaves of …


The Best Natural Oils for Hair Steaming


Hair steaming is great for infusing moisture to your hair, keeping it soft, and helping other treatments work better. In order to get the best out of hair steaming, you also need to coat your strands with appropriate deep conditioning products and suitable natural oils. The natural oils can be …


9 Ways to Get the Goodness of Coconut into Your Diet for Healthier Hair

9 Ways to Get the Goodness of Coconut into Your Diet for Healthier Hair

In this article, I break down 9 ways to get the benefits of coconut in your diet, why it’s good for you, and the best ways to incorporate these benefits for healthier hair growth.  Everyone knows about coconut oil and its uses for hair and cooking already but did you …