Lavender Water vs Rosewater for Hair and Skin

Lavender Water vs Rosewater for Hair and Skin

Lavender water and rosewater are made by steam distillation using the relevant flower. The end result is aka hydrosols or hydrolat. Flower waters can be used for a variety of hair and skin issues and are a gentle and effective way to help treat these issues. The common flower waters are …


Lavender Oil Benefits and Uses for Hair & Skin

Lavender Oil Benefits and Uses for Hair & Skin

Lavender oil has many benefits for the hair and skin besides the calming relaxing scent most people are familiar with. Lavender oil is balancing and soothing and remains one of the best essential oils to include in your hair and skincare regimen.  Lavender oil is produced via steam distillation from …


Reader Question: What is the Best Essential Oil for Hair Growth?

What is the Best Essential Oil for Hair Growth?

I have a comprehensive archive on the use of essential oil for hair growth on the website but sometimes, I still receive some questions about incorporating essentials oils into a hair care regimen. I’m answering one of these essential oil questions from a frequent reader today. You can catch up …


How to Treat Acne and Fungal Infections with Tea Tree Essential Oil

How to Treat Acne and Fungal Infections with Tea Tree Oil

The tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is a plant found in Australia. Tea tree essential oil is derived from the leaves of this tree and has a strong camphor-like smell. Tea tree essential oil is widely known for its powerful antiseptic properties. It is a highly toxic essential oil that should …


Apply Rosemary Oil for Scalp Issues, Hair Growth & Thinning Hair

The rosemary plant is a very common ingredient in cooking. It’s a very aromatic herb with needle-like leaves. It’s used it in marinades, bread, soups, potatoes, pasta, and sauces. The leaves are stripped from the stem and then chopped finely for use. Rosemary essential oil is steam distilled from the …


The Proven Science Behind Peppermint Oil for Hair Loss Issues

Peppermint oil has been proven to help treat hair loss issues and regrow bald spots and I break down the science in this article. This is the continuation of the Best Herbal Oils for Hair, Cooking & Aromatherapy Series where I outlined around 15 herbal oils.  You can follow the …