Best Water Infuser Recipes for Weight Loss

Boost your weight loss goals with these excellent water infuser recipes and drink your way to a better body. 

Drinking 8 or more glasses of water every day is recommended for overall health.

However, drinking 8 or more glasses of water every day isn’t as easy as it sounds especially when you’re counting.

This phenomenon necessitates the need for creative ways to get as much water as possible into your diet.

One of such ways is by infusing water with some flavor. It helps you drink more water, which can help make your weight loss program more effective.

Best Infused Water Recipes for Weight Loss

What is Infused Water?

Infused water is water that has a variety of healthy ingredients immersed in it for several hours to release beneficial nutrients and compounds.

Infused water is also known as detox water and fruit-flavored water. However, water can be infused with fruit, herbs, spices, and vegetables. 

Infused Water Benefits

Infused water has zero calories. Infusing water also helps you to wean yourself off any sugar or energy drink addictions you might have.

In case you’re thinking it’s some nonsensical gimmick that doesn’t work, I can tell you it’s not a gimmick.

I have been drinking fruit and herb-infused water since my twenties and I have phenomenal skin — no wrinkles and no crow’s feet.

Of course, I eat the right things and exercise as well but I attribute my skin to how much water I drink everyday.

When I was a teenager, my mother had to special order my water and store it in my room because I drank gargantuan amounts of water everyday! 

I will share my favorite fruit and herb-infused water recipes in this article as well as the best fruit infuser bottles and pitchers.

These recipes also optimize any weight loss goals and you don’t have to feel like you’re counting calories. 

Best Infused Water Recipes for Weight Loss

These recipes are simple, budget-friendly, and fast to knock up when you’re in a hurry. Take it with you to work, the gym or out shopping.

1. Cinnamon Detox Water Recipe



Put the cinnamon sticks in the water bottle and fill up with water. Leave in the fridge overnight then take with you on your way out the door the next morning.

Cinnamon contains anti-inflammatory properties and can help lower blood sugar. This detox water is also very refreshing and has a hint of spice. The recipe will also prevent you from overeating.

Coconut Country Living Organic True Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks

Coconut Country Living Organic True Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks

2. Mint, Ginger, and Cucumber Detox Water Recipe


  • 5 slices of cucumber
  • 1 handful of fresh mint, lightly bruised to release flavor and nutrients
  • 3 small thin slices of fresh ginger
  • Plain water or fizzy water


Put all the ingredients in your infuser bottle and fill it up with water. No need to leave it in the fridge overnight.

Cucumber provides intense hydration while mint aids the digestive process and ginger cleanse your system. This recipe is especially good for working out.

3. Kiwifruit, Lime & Lemon Detox Water Recipe


  • 2 limes, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1 lemon, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1 kiwifruit, thinly sliced
  • Plain water or fizzy water


Add the ingredients in your water infuser bottle and fill up with water and ice cubes if desired. You don’t need to infuse this recipe overnight.

This recipe cleanses your system and balances alkaline levels in the body.

You also get a great boost of nourishing vitamin C, which is fantastic for the skin

4. Mixed Herbs Detox Water Recipe


  • 1 handful of fresh mint, torn and lightly bruised
  • 1 handful of fresh basil, torn and lightly bruised
  • 1 handful of fresh basil, torn and lightly bruised
  • 2 sage leaves, torn and lightly bruised
  • 3 small thin slices of fresh ginger
  • Plain water or fizzy water


Add the bruised herbs in the water bottle then the fresh ginger and fill up with the water and ice cubes. You don’t need to infuse this recipe overnight.

These herbs contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that will help regulate the functioning of the immune system.

5. Very Berry Detox Water Recipe


  • 1 handful of fresh blueberries
  • 1 handful of fresh blackberries
  • 1 handful of fresh raspberries
  • 1 lemon, peeled and thinly sliced
  • Plain water or fizzy water


Slice each berry in half then pour into the water bottle with the lemon. Fill up with water and ice cubes.

This is a fun tasting recipe that is excellent for weaning yourself off soda and fruit juice.

Which Infused Water is Best for Weight Loss?

All the recipes above are excellent for optimizing weight loss.

However, if I were to settle on the best one when it comes to weight loss, I highly recommend kiwifruit, lime & lemon detox water recipe, and cinnamon detox water recipe.

How Long Can you Keep the Fruit in Water?

Depending on the ingredients you’re using, you could leave the fruit/herbs/veggies/spices in the water for up to a week and just refill with water every morning.

However, if any mix smells or tastes iffy, discard and prepare a fresh batch of infused water.

5 Budget-Friendly Infuser Water Bottles

An infuser water bottle is one of the best ways to seep on water throughout the day.

It’s portable, always on hand and you just need to refill the bottle with water or ice cubes. I have made recommendations for the best 5 below:-

They’re long-lasting and dishwasher safe. For sharing with the whole family or guests, I have recommended 3 pitchers for home use as well.

Hydracy Fruit Infuser Water Bottle

Hydracy Fruit Infuser Water Bottle – 32 oz

Brimma Leak Proof Fruit Infuser Water Bottle

Brimma Leak Proof Fruit Infuser Water Bottle – 32 oz

Bevgo Infuser Water Bottle

Bevgo Infuser Water Bottle – 32 oz

Great Gear Infuser Water Bottle 

Great Gear Infuser Water Bottle – 32 oz

AquaFrut Fruit Infuser Water Bottle

AquaFrut Fruit Infuser Water Bottle – 32 oz

Best Infuser Water Pitchers

Prodyne Fruit Infusion Flavor Pitcher

Prodyne Fruit Infusion Flavor Pitcher

Chef’s Inspirations 3 Core Infusion Water Pitcher

Chef’s Inspirations 3 Core Infusion Water Pitcher

GROSCHE Atlantis Water and Fruit Infusion Borosilicate Glass Pitcher

GROSCHE Atlantis Water and Fruit Infusion Glass Pitcher

Drinking infused water on its own won’t lead to miraculous weight loss. You still need to practice overall healthy eating habits.

5 budget friendly Infuser Water Bottles

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