16 Marula Oil Hair Products for Dry Hair

Incorporate these 16 marula oil hair products into your regimen if you have dry and/or damaged hair for improved texture and elasticity.

Marula oil is derived from the exotic fruits of the marula tree found in South Africa and Madagascar.

It is one of the most powerful and beneficial oils available for skin and hair care.

Marula oil has been used in South Africa and Madagascar for centuries for its medicinal properties and is produced via hand by local community women.

16 Marula Oil Hair Products for Dry and damaged Hair

Marula oil is one of my favorite oils to use on the skin but when it comes to hair care, marula oil is also quite useful.

Marula oil has a high vitamin C and vitamin E content as well as amino acids that moisturize hair and keep hair soft and supple.

Additionally, it is a light and easily absorbed oil so you can use it as a sealing oil and as a finishing oil after heat treatment.

Benefits of Marula Oil for Hair and Skin

An earlier article on the benefits of marula oil for hair and skin shared two recipes on how to use marula oil for hair.

This article will recommend 16 great marula oil hair products, which you can add to your hair care regimen.

These marula oil hair products are budget-friendly and based on reviews as well as my personal experience with some of them.

Though they are indicated for dry hair, moisturized hair can also benefit from marula oil hair products.

16 Beneficial Marula Oil Hair Products for Dry Hair

Keranique Marula Oil Hair Treatment Mist

Keranique Marula Oil Hair Treatment Mist

OGX Hydrate + Marula Oil Conditioner

OGX Hydrate + Marula Oil Conditioner

OGX Hydrate + Marula Oil Shampoo

OGX Hydrate + Marula Oil Shampoo

OGX Hydrate + Marula Oil Serum Elixir

OGX Hydrate + Marula Oil Serum Elixir

Not Your Mother's Coconut Milk & African Marula Tree Oil High Moisture Shampoo

Not Your Mother’s Coconut Milk & African Marula Tree Oil High Moisture Shampoo

Not Your Mother's Naturals Coconut Milk & African Marula Tree Oil High Moisture Conditioner

Not Your Mother’s Naturals Coconut Milk & African Marula Tree Oil High Moisture Conditioner

Not Your Mother’s Naturals Coconut Milk & African Marula Tree Oil High Moisture Smoothing Cream

Not Your Mother’s Naturals Coconut Milk & African Marula Tree Oil High Moisture Smoothing Cream

Carol's Daughter Marula Curl Therapy Softening Hair Mask

Carol’s Daughter Marula Curl Therapy Softening Hair Mask

Carol's Daughter Marula Curl Therapy Moisturizing Detangling Milk

Carol’s Daughter Marula Curl Therapy Moisturizing Detangling Milk

Carols Daughter Marula Curl Therapy Diffusing & Styling Lotion

Carol’s Daughter Marula Curl Therapy Diffusing & Styling Lotion

Carols Daughter Marula Curl Therapy Softening Serum

Carol’s Daughter Marula Curl Therapy Softening Serum

Acure Organics Acure Smooth + Manageable Conditioner

Acure Organics Acure Smooth + Manageable Conditioner

Acure Smooth + Manageable Shampoo

Acure Smooth + Manageable Shampoo

Theorie Marula Oil Transforming Hair Mask

Theorie Marula Oil Transforming Hair Mask

Theorie Marula Oil Transforming Conditioner

Theorie Marula Oil Transforming Conditioner

Theorie Marula Oil Transforming Shampoo

Theorie Marula Oil Transforming Shampoo

Where to Buy Marula Oil

You can buy marula online on health websites such as Amazon and iHerb (worldwide shipping).

My favorite marula oil recommendations include:

How to Grow Your Hair Healthy & Long With Natural Oils

For more information on how to use natural oils for healthy hair care and growth, you may be interested in How to Grow Your Hair Healthy & Long with Natural Oils.

Learn how to optimize your hair growth with the best natural oils

Book 1 in the Healthy Hair Care Series is available at a 20% discount exclusively to subscribers. Learn more HERE.

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3 thoughts on “16 Marula Oil Hair Products for Dry Hair”

  1. I love STOs shea butter quenching hair and body oil. It’s amazing and I plan on ordering it in Namibian Marula next.

    I don’t care for OGX products, as they have silicones, same for some of Carol’s.
    Not Your Mother’s Natural is good and Acure is a great brand that I buy again and again.


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