How to Treat Acne and Fungal Infections with Tea Tree Essential Oil

The tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is a plant found in Australia. Tea tree essential oil is derived from the leaves of this tree and has a strong camphor-like smell.

Tea tree essential oil is widely known for its powerful antiseptic properties. It is a highly toxic essential oil that should never be consumed orally even if diluted.

Tea tree essential oil has many benefits and uses and it is one of the most effective solutions for acne and fungal infections.

How to Treat Acne and Fungal Infections with Tea Tree Essential Oil

How to Treat Acne with Tea Tree Essential Oil

Acne is a depressing and annoying problem. I have written several articles on the website covering how to combat acne and acne scars with natural oils. This solution works for mild-moderate acne.



How to Use

Apply to your face every night after cleansing. Wait for it to dry off then apply your moisturizer. If the solution is too strong, dilute with more distilled water.

As the acne dries out, it may dry out your skin too depending on your skin type so stay on top of your moisturizing game.


Eve Hansen Tea Tree Oil

How to Use Tea Tree Essential Oil for Fungal Infections

Due to its antiseptic properties, tea tree oil is very effective for fungal infections on toes and ringworm.



How to Use

  • Immerse your feet in the footbath for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse out and moisturize your feet. Repeat this every evening.

Alternative Treatments for Fungal Infections

Purely Northwest Tea Tree Oil Therapeutic Foot Soak

Purely Northwest Tea Tree Oil Therapeutic Foot Soak

In addition to the above, you can use tea tree essential oil for hair loss in conjunction with peppermint essential oil and rosemary essential oil.

It is particularly effective for a flaky scalp as well as for the treatment of dandruff and psoriasis.

Safety Tips for Tea Tree Essential Oil

If you have never used tea tree essential oil before, start with 1 – 5 drops to test how your skin will react to it then build up to more depending on the size of your container and what you’re using it for.

Always buy 100% organic tea tree essential oil. I have recommended some popular brands below:

Best Tea Tree Essential Oil Brands

Interested in learning more about natural oils and how to use them for specific purposes to achieve optimal length and health?

Have a look at How to Grow Your Hair Healthy & Long with Natural Oils, a comprehensive guide about natural oils. 

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