Budget-Friendly Holiday Gift Ideas for Beauty & Hair Care

It isn’t always easy finding the perfect budget-friendly holiday gift for your loved ones but I got you covered in this guide with lots of ideas and options.

If you’re thinking about what kind of beauty and hair care gifts are suitable for the loved ones in your life or acquaintances, look no further than this guide with options that start from as low as $5!

Budget-Friendly Holiday Gift Ideas in Beauty and Hair Care

Budget-friendly Holiday Gift Ideas in Beauty and Hair Care

1. Create a Gift Basket

Based on your budget, you can buy a certain amount of thoughtful little knick-knacks that are just right for the person (s) you have in mind.

You can then DIY a holiday gift basket. The gift basket can be as small or as big as you like. Have a look at various sizes HERE.

Below are some suggestions of budget-friendly gifts you can stock the basket with. 

Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer Limited Edition Gift Set

2. Buy a Ready-Made a Gift Basket

If you simply don’t have the time or patience to DIY holiday gift baskets, below are 10 ready-made gift baskets from $ – $$ stocked with delightful hair and beauty items.

You may end up buying one for yourself as well.

3. Budget-friendly Gift Sets

There are some products that are offered as gift sets and pair quite well with individual gifts but are just as lovely on their own. 

4. Budget-friendly Gift Cards

Do you have a picky person to shop for and simply don’t know what would make them happy, then this is where a gift card comes in.

Order a gift card of any value and present it to them in a beautifully wrapped or individually packed container. Below are some awesome holiday gift card suggestions:-

Related Content: Check Out More Gift Ideas for the Holidays

5. Individual Gift Ideas

Instead of buying gift baskets with a variety of items, you may be interested in individual gift items that are perhaps on your loved ones’ Amazon wish list for the year.

If you want to snoop on your loved ones’ Amazon wish list for some budget-friendly gift ideas, read How to Find Someone’s Wish List on Amazon.

Abi is a curly hair expert who delved into the world of natural oils after severe hair loss issues. Through her research, study, and testing, she was able to regrow her bald spots & a healthy head of hair. She is the founder of Healthy Natural Hair Products & Ade Ori Hair Care, and the author of the highly-rated Healthy Hair Care Series. She continues to study hair science, Ayurveda, and natural and healthy solutions for hair and skin. Learn more about our Editorial Guidelines

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