How to Use a Neem Comb for Scalp Issues

how to use a neem comb

Itchy scalp and dandruff is a common problem especially among women who wear extensions and other protective styles. If you’re thinking of scratching or have been scratching in the past, stop! The worst thing you can do is scratch. It will make it worse, cause lesions on your scalp and …


How Cranberry Seed Oil Can Help with Itching, Dandruff & Other Scalp Issues

cranberry oil for hair

Treat and eliminate scalp issues like dandruff and itchiness with these cranberry seed oil recipes plus where to buy the best cranberry seed oil for hair. Who knew cranberries would feature in the natural oils category? Delicious on its own, in sauces, pie, and juice, it is also the source …


How to Make Your Own Calendula Oil – 2 Methods

calendular plant

Learn how to make your own calendula oil with these 2 easy methods plus I share how to use Calendula oil effectively for different scalp issues. I started the Calendula oil series with Eliminate Sore, Itchy, and Inflamed Scalp Issues with Calendula Oil. Calendula oil has great anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, …


Using Ceramides in Natural Oils for Moisturised & Healthy Hair

ceramides and natural oils

When it comes to assisting with the recovery of dry and damaged hair over time, incorporating natural oils with ceramides into your regimen is a must. By the end of this article, you will discover you have been using some of the oils with ceramides previously. You’ll probably also pick …


Achieve Silky and Stronger Hair with Walnut Oil

walnut oil

Walnut oil is another oil in the nut oil family alongside sweet almond oil, macadamia nut oil, kukui nut oil, and hazelnut oil. Walnut oil is extracted from English walnuts, which are aka Persian walnuts. Walnut oil producers can be found in the USA, France, Australia, and New Zealand.  How …


Reduce Protein Loss from Hair with Peanut Oil

Peanut oil is a vegetable oil, which is mostly used for cooking, but by virtue of its qualities, it falls into the category of natural oils for hair care. It’s aka groundnut oil or arachis oil. Back home, it’s one of the primary oils we use for frying plantains, chicken, …


Dry Scalp & Dandruff Issues Addressed with Borage Seed Oil

Dry Scalp & Dandruff Issues Addressed with Borage Seed Oil

Borage seed oil is the one to reach out for when dealing with dry scalp and scalp issues such as dandruff and itchiness. Borage seed oil helps optimize hair growth and foster a healthy scalp. Borage seed oil is also known as borage oil and starflower oil. Borage seed oil is …