Featured Curlista – Chequira, Jamaica/Los Angeles/Dubai

This is the first in the Featured Curlista series, which will share stories about curly haired ladies hair care journey, their favourite products, and best hair care tips and tricks. 

If you’re new to the site, you can view the rest of the featured curlista series HERE. If you would like to be featured, connect with us HERE.

Today’s curlista is Chequira who is Jamaican American but currently lives in Dubai, UAE. I hope you enjoy her story and pictures. 

Tell us a little bit about you

Hey there! I’m the happy natural behind Luv2luvLifestyle on YouTube and Instagram. I’m a natural hair enthusiast.

I’m also a “Gastro-tourist” considering my love for travel and food. I’m on a mission to live my best life while encouraging others to do the same.

Tell us about your journey so far, your challenges, etc.

I really enjoyed my journey going back to natural! It wasn’t easy at first, but with time I found my way.

I got my first relaxer when I was in the third grade, so I really had no experience with caring for my natural hair.

I had memories of combing sessions that I didn’t want to relive again, and those are what delayed my decision of going back to natural hair.

With that being said, I was also not a fan of the chemical burns I would get from relaxers, and being overcharged at most salons due to the length of my hair.

I faced most of my challenges during my transition stage. I chose not to do a big chop and was working with my natural and relaxed textures.

To my complete frustration, I found that I had no support from my local salons during this stage! I would always be met with the same reaction.

“Wow, you have so much hair! Why don’t you relax it? It would be so much longer if you relaxed it.”

This annoyed me beyond belief, and it drove me to take measures into my own hands and care for my strands on my own.

My younger brother saw my frustration and introduced me to YouTube. The natural hair community on YouTube was a major help.

It is ever-changing, and expanding, and is my go-to source for information and tips when it comes to my hair.

It also inspired me to start my own channel, Luv2luvlifestyle, which has a focus on natural hair care, motivational tips, and travel.

My tip for anyone transitioning back to natural is to get to know your hair on your own terms. Give your strands time to respond to your routine or method.

Trust me, you will be able to feel when things are going well or not! If you feel you are getting frustrated at any point, find a protective style that fits your lifestyle and use that style to calm your frustration.

With that said, make sure you spend enough time with your hair in order to learn how to care for it when it’s not in a protective style.

natural hair growth and healthy natural hair

What does your regimen look like?

My regimen is actually not strict at all. I find that in its natural state, my hair and scalp communicate what they need and I respond accordingly.

For instance, let’s say my scalp has build-up and is flaking a bit. I would respond by saturating my hair and scalp with cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil overnight under a plastic cap.

In the morning I would shampoo and condition as normal.

My hair loves honey! I add honey to my conditioners when my strands are feeling dry and I feel the difference almost immediately.

I only use shampoo when I feel my hair needs it, so I tend to go through conditioners a lot quicker.

After conditioning, I follow with a leave-in conditioner, oil, then butter or cream. I am never afraid to change my regimen. If my hair reacts in a negative way, I’ll just search for another way.

What are your favorite oils and how do you use them?

This is a hard one because I love using oils! If I must pick, I’d say my top three oils are olive oil, coconut oil, and argan oil.

I use olive oil mostly on my hair and face. Olive oil does wonders for my skin and it’s an excellent oil to remove makeup.

Though I sometimes use coconut oil on my hair, I find that I use it on my body more oftentimes mixed with shea butter.

I tend to do this mostly after showering just before bed. I only use argan oil on my hair, and usually when I am styling my hair after misting it with water.

natural hair growth and healthy natural hair

What are your favorite hair products?

Giovanni products have been a staple of mine for a few years now. I really like the Smooth as Silk Deep Moisture Shampoo, conditioner, and direct leave-in.

For the past six or seven months, I also started using the Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen Grow and Restore Leave-in Conditioner. My hair responds well to this.

I also like the results I get with the DIY clay rinse made from Health and Beauty Aztec Secret Bentonite Clay, but I have yet to fully work it into my on the go lifestyle.

I think it’s important for your hair to not restrict your lifestyle in any way, so always find a way to make it work. 

Where can we find you online?

Luv2luvLifestyle can be found on YouTube & Instagram @Luv2luvlifestyle.

Shop Chequira's Favorite Natural Hair Products

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