Abi’s Curly Hair Care Regimen

Here’s a breakdown of my curly hair care regimen as promised. I update this regimen every few months with any new favorite hair care products.

In the meantime, you can also check out all my current product recommendations and favorites on my carefully curated Ade Ori Amazon Store.

A breakdown of my curly hair care regimen

I receive a lot of emails asking about my regimen especially the shine in the Curlformers set in the featured image.

Today’s article is going to show a breakdown of my regimen and my favourite hair products and the products I’m still lusting after. :)

My regimen is simple. I have insane working hours currently and my spare time is limited. In my earlier hair care days, I was a bonafide PJ.

As soon as I read about something even remotely interesting, I would order 2 packs without checking out the ingredients or anything.

Thankfully, I have recovered from that and my wallet is grateful.

I still give in to a new product once in a while but only after thorough research has been conducted and there’s room in my wallet to accommodate the cost.

Below is the simpler regimen I follow these days and my favorite product picks: –

My Curly Hair Care Regimen

Pre Poo Regimen – Every 2 Weeks

I usually pre-poo with 5 ingredients:-

I wrote a post about mixing ingredients in 5 Ingredients for the Best Pre-Poo with Oils Ever.

There is also an instructional video included. This pre-poo always leaves my hair soft, easy to detangle, and seriously moisturized.

From time to time when I’m creating content for Healthy Natural Hair Products, I also try out other pre-poo combinations. I share those HERE.

Shampoo and Deep Conditioning Regimen – Every 2 Weeks

Hot Oil Treatment Regimen – Every 4 Weeks

  • I use one of my favorite oils for this – coconut oil, grape seed oil, almond oil, or olive oil.

Henna Treatment Regimen – Every 8 – 10 Weeks

I do henna and indigo mix as the indigo gives the hair a lovely blue-black gloss afterward and it lasts for quite some time.

For even better results, I’ve done henna first and then indigo but goodness, it took all day and I won’t be doing that again any time soon.

I recently detailed my henna process in Henna Head Weekend. The next time I henna, I will make a tutorial video.

Daily Hair Care Regimen

Other Hair Care Regimen Faves

  • For leave-in Ouidad Moisture Lock and Infusium 23 (the original formula. I don’t like the new one). They have a great big bottle of Infusium 23 now and it lasts me for ages. 
  • Gels – Ouidad Climate Control (for frizz control) and homemade hair gel.
  • Ouidad Curl Recovery Extreme Repair Mask. Effective but expensive considering my hair can take ½ a jar in one go. It’s a treat reserved for when my wallet can accommodate it. 

For a more updated curly hair regimen, please visit this page, where I share my favorite curly hair products yearly.

Abi is a curly hair expert who delved into the world of natural oils after severe hair loss issues. Through her research, study, and testing, she was able to regrow her bald spots & a healthy head of hair. She is the founder of Healthy Natural Hair Products & Ade Ori Hair Care, and the author of the highly-rated Healthy Hair Care Series. She continues to study hair science, Ayurveda, and natural and healthy solutions for hair and skin. Learn more about our Editorial Guidelines

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